Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Gratitude Post 5

Today, I'm grateful for Christ, and I'm grateful that as I go through hard things, my relationship with Him can be strengthened. 

Do you ever have time periods in life when you are painfully aware of just how insufficient you are? I am going through one of those times right now. But, it's okay. I know I have a Savior who loves me no matter what. 

Thinking about gratitude these last few days has made me consider some blessings in a new light. One of those blessings is my body. During my struggles with infertility and PPROM (leading to child loss and prematurity), I was never angry about my body's shortcomings. Not really. But I was angry with God, because I had absolute faith that He could grant the blessings I wanted. 

But He didn't, at least not right away. While I wouldn't wish the pain of those experiences on anyone, I also don't think I would change anything, and I don't say that lightly. I'm grateful for a God who lets us grow. Who forgives us when we try to be obedient and humble and loving, even when we don't totally get it right. I'm grateful to be loved unconditionally no matter how bad my attitude and how sassy I feel and how unfair I think everything is. I'm learning and growing, and I'm grateful to go through that process with Deity on my side. This is a God who wipes our tears and cries along with us. This is a God who knows that lasting happiness doesn't mean that everything will be perfect all the time. 

Again, I'm grateful for a God who lets us grow, and who never leaves us while we are doing it. 

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