Wednesday, March 4, 2020

We Went Adventuring

Guess what, guys?!?! I remembered I have a blog! And I declare the Zollinger Blog officially open for business! 

So here in Utah, WINTER is a thing. For a born and bred Arizona girl who came to adulthood in Florida, this is TRAGIC. I'm not being melodramatic. It is truly a HEINOUS CRIME how dark and cold it has been. People keep telling me that this has been a mild Utah winter and I'm like, DO YOU KNOW THERE ARE PLACES OUT THERE WHERE THE SUN STILL SHINES??? 

So right along about the middle of February, a trip was sounding pretty good. We bought ourselves one of those little hiking backpack thingies and called up my parents and asked them if they wanted to meet us in Sedona.

Cal is like, What is this thing? Have you guys lost your mind? 

I didn't know that I like red rock so much, but it turns out I do. After a few hours, Greg and I were planning our move to Sedona. Just kidding...I don't think there are many financial analyst jobs there. 

This was Brynn's first "real" hiking trip. She did beautifully! There was a bit of whining and some piggy back rides, but overall I was so proud of her great attitude. She climbed up this precarious crack in the rocks! She was definitely the youngest hiker who got to the top of Cathedral Rock (we left Callum part-way up with my mom). Someone was all, You guys must hike all the time!! And we said, "...yeeesssss." 

It's pretty though, right? 

She did it! 

Scrambling down. 

Boynton Canyon. 

Mom's turn to get the boy. 

Nap time on the go! 

Chapel of the Holy Cross. We didn't actually get to go inside because parking was monstrous, but it's a pretty amazing building. 

The little marketplace area was fun too.  Lots of galleries and statues and local candy stores and the like. Look at my SHORT SLEEVES. Here Cal and I are embodying the spirit of Sacajawea. 

I'm glad that living out here in the West affords us the opportunity to see beautiful places like this.  When we lived in Pennsylvania and Florida, we made sure to go exploring, never knowing how long we'd be out there or if those chances would come again. Even though we both grew up in the West, we have loved seeing that there are always new things to experience and adventure is really always on your doorstep. 

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